Parks- Williamson Park- Lancaster -Ashton Memorial.

Following on from the butterfly house and still not having had time for any cake, I walked across to the Ashton Memorial.

It was silent inside and full of long shadows and golden things. Up the stairs was a tiny gallery of paintings called the Williamson Gallery and then you turned around and could go outside and look at the views across Lancaster into Cumbria and Morecambe Bay.

I was very impressed but as it was so windy all of my hair got blown into my mouth and then my eyes decided to stop working so it was time to go home. The park is beautiful, and I hope to go back mid-autumn when everything is changing colour, maybe with some binoculars to look at the views and I will have some cake.

If you would like to visit and you should as it is very, very nice then go to their website -

The monument is free to visit as is the park and the butterfly house varies in price-see HERE

ParksEmma Graney