Book Collaboration with Laura Bertinelli-Other People's Shopping Lists.

I have 500+ found shopping lists that have been collected for over ten years. They all live in a cardboard box and once found, they are photographed or scanned, then filed away. I don’t think anything of this to be honest, as this is just where they live and where they stay.

Sometimes it takes someone else to take control of your overflowing cardboard boxes of things and get you to finally do something about it. Graphic designer, art director and illustrator Laura Bertinelli asked if I would like to collaborate on a book idea that would be about my found shopping lists. The UK lock down meant that we both now had the time to make and create something together.

Each found shopping list is like a little story. They contain strange spellings, a wide range of foodstuffs, secret codes and abbreviations. They really did need something better than a cardboard box to live in so a book idea was perfect.

We worked together remotely, with Laura designing, type setting, colour matching, creating pages and titles. I sorted, deciphered and scanned the lists in until we were sure we had picked the right ones to include.

Both Laura and I collectively checked and changed. Have written, scanned, designed, photographed and discussed the importance of blue and yellow together very intently. We are both very proud of the finished printed book.

The design process was made really fun and easy by Laura’s friendly and imaginative way of working and it was an absolute pleasure to collaborate with her.

I have a few books available for sale so do please get in touch either through my contact form or via instagram if you are interested.

Please go HERE to see more of Laura’s work on her website.
