Graveyards-St Nicholas-Sutton-St Helens.

Considering this graveyard and church is two minutes away from where I grew up, I very rarely visit it properly. The visit on this day coincided with trying to find a Tormentil and I think I did but I need my special book to check.

St Nicholas Church is 173 years old; I would like to think once upon a time it was all by itself in a small hamlet, with just the railway for company. I think I like walking around here as it is very quiet except for the odd passing train and the crows. In the spring, there is a lovely collection of dog violets and ransoms and in the autumn the trees shine like gold.


A Meadow Brown butterfly sunning itself. Two Speckled Wood butterflies chasing each other. Red Soldier beetles having a party on some Ragwort and the extraordinarily long gravestone of Mary Garton.

If you’re interested, you can go HERE to read a bit about Mary.

GraveyardsEdgeland Observer