Calderstones Park- Inc-The Calderstones-Liverpool.

Late August is a funny time. It can be very hot, very wet or very cold. This particular outing to Calderstones Park volunteered all three weather variances in the space of two hours. I didn’t have a coat.

Small sloes where staring to plump up ready for autumn proper, weird humid breezes blew the smell of damp grass into my nose which then made me sneeze.

The days principle mission was to visit the Calderstones. You can read about them HERE.

10/10 for the stones and the attached exhibition, which is inside the The Mansion House.

Walking through the park I could hear screeching. It turns out that the park is full of Ringed-neck Parakeets and this was most wonderful. Below is picture of a flock of them and I also found a tiny green feather.

ParksEdgeland Observer