Botanical-Southport Beach-Saltmarsh.

A lovely afternoon spent on the other side of the pier. This section of beach used to be where your beleaguered dad would let you drive the car up and down, on driving lessons that proved honestly you could really drive.

Over the years it has silted, grown and transformed into a botanical wonderland, full of wading birds and strange left overs from the tides.

Around ten years ago after a particularly bad winter storm, I visited this area and came back with old cod bottles, hob nail boot soles and collected three bags of sea coal. Now this is all buried underneath the grass and vibrant sea holly. I still hold out I will find some old smartie lids but that means digging. Red ants don’t like you digging up their houses on the beach.

It’s rather desert like in parts and the desire paths and openings help with the closed off quiet feeling you need when hunting for plants and treasure.

Go HERE to read more about the area and HERE to see RSPB Marshside up the road.