
On a day where you just drive and see what happens, Dan and I ended up in Farnham for an hour.

Having never visited before, I had no idea what to expect but after getting home and looking it up I seem to have missed an awful lot.

Go HERE to see a lovely guide to Farnham and look at all the things that I didn’t see. The day is the day I suppose and an hour wasn’t enough.

9/10 for a really nice town. One point knocked off as I didn’t see the castle.

I was incredibly excited to see this mural outside the post office.

It is described as;

‘Incorporating in abstract form, landscape features surrounding Farnham; Alice Holt, Crooksbury Hill and the characteristic shapes and textures of the fields to the West of the town. The town itself is represented by two bar like shapes of red brick.’

Designed by Michael Fairclough in 1981, you can visit his website HERE.

Taken from a postcard sent to me by my friend Megan, who had no idea I had just been to Farnham and sent me a postcard of the mural.

Go HERE to read and see more public art around the town.

TownsEdgeland Observer